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Does Intermittent Fasting Decrease Your Metabolism?

Does intermittent fasting decrease your metabolism? According to research, the basal metabolic rate remains constant or slightly increases during a fast.

However, eating constantly but at a significantly reduced calorie count, such as "I'm going to eat 1000C over 3 meals and 2 snacks today" (rather than "I'll eat 2000C in 3 meals today and fast tomorrow") significantly lowers your BMR over time, giving rise to the misconception that ALL forms of not eating lower metabolism.

The medical professionals who support fasting believe that insulin causes the body to store fat and is released when we eat.

When we eat frequently but reduce the calorie count, the insulin that we are constantly releasing by eating all the time will continue to do its job, attempting to store fat.

But how can it do that if your metabolism is at 1600 calories per day and you're only eating 1200?

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Reduce your metabolic rate so that you have enough food to store fat and run your body. You now have a "sluggish metabolism," and you hit a plateau, lower your calorie count again to get past it, and repeat the cycle.

When you don't eat at all, whether, on a 16/8 plan or a few days once or twice a month, your insulin stays low, which means there's no incentive to store fat. 

With nothing coming in, you first go through the sugar stored in your liver, then you break down a little protein (but not your muscles—your body recycles old protein first, and the increase in HGH during fasting prevents muscle loss anyway), and finally, you switch to burning fat.

Your body doesn't care if the fat it burns comes from your diet or is stored in your body.

If you're overweight, this means your body now has access to a plethora of food that insulin was previously preventing it from accessing, which it can happily throw on the burner of your metabolism.

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There is no need to lower your BRM because keeping insulin levels low has unlocked the door to all the food your body has stored for just this occasion.

It also has no idea that you chose not to eat, and that food will be available as soon as you decide. It simply knows that this is what it has been preparing for.

Doctor Jason Fung points out that for most animals, a metabolism that drops when you don't eat at all makes no evolutionary sense because you need the most energy to go out and find food when you haven't eaten.

He makes the point that if we became progressively weaker as we went without eating, we'd never have the energy to get more food, creating a terrible feedback loop in which we'd all died.

FAQs Related To Does Intermittent Fasting Decrease Your Metabolism

Does the 16/8 fast slow your metabolism?

On the contrary, 16/8 fasting does not slow your metabolism; in fact, it may temporarily increase it!

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Does intermittent fasting interfere with metabolism?

According to the research, intermittent fasting does not interfere with metabolism, but rather makes it more efficient.

Does intermittent fasting improve metabolism?

Intermittent fasting via a time-restricted eating pattern allows for a consistent period of fasting daily, which alleviates circadian rhythm disruption and improves metabolic balance.

What happens to metabolism during fasting?

Fasting relies on three types of energy metabolism: glycogen, lipid, and amino acid metabolism. The pancreas secretes more glucagon as blood glucose levels fall during fasting. This action also reduces insulin secretion, which decreases glycogen storage of glucose.

Does metabolism slow during intermittent fasting?

It is not a lack of calories that causes your metabolism to slow, but rather the loss of weight. "It's unjust, but it's reality," he says. "Yes, your metabolism will slow, but this is due to your body sensing weight loss. Your metabolism will slow regardless of how much weight you lose."

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Does fasting for 16 hours slow your metabolism?

Weight loss is frequently associated with intermittent fasting. However, according to Newgent, many people gain weight because they overeat during non-fasting times. She also mentions that "any prolonged fasting can eventually slow down your metabolism."

Which intermittent fasting is best for metabolism?

Two to three high-fiber, protein- and good-fat meals (two main courses with a small snack in between) work best. This is the most comfortable form of intermittent fasting (especially for beginners) and can be easily maintained over time.

How long do you have to fast to reset your metabolism?

Ketones are molecules produced by fatty acids. (If you're familiar with the ketogenic diet, this may sound familiar.) Our metabolism shifts after 8 to 12 hours of fasting, replacing glucose with ketones as our new source of energy.

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