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What Are The Benefits And Risks Of Freezing Eggs?

What are the benefits and risks of freezing eggs? Freezing eggs have several benefits, including the ability to preserve fertility for women who may not be ready to have children at the time of egg retrieval, such as those undergoing cancer treatment or who wish to postpone childbearing for other reasons.

It may also give women more control over the timing of their pregnancies, as well as the ability to use a younger, healthier egg when they are ready to conceive.

However, there are some disadvantages to freezing eggs. The freezing and thawing processes can harm eggs, and not all eggs will survive the thawing process.

Furthermore, using frozen eggs to achieve pregnancy has a lower success rate than using fresh eggs.

Read: What Are The Pros And Cons Of Freezing Your Eggs?

When a woman is in her 20s or early 30s, the chances of a successful pregnancy are highest, and the number of eggs retrieved is typically higher. 

The decision to freeze eggs, on the other hand, should be made on an individual basis after consulting with a fertility specialist.

FAQs Related To What Are The Benefits And Risks Of Freezing Eggs

What are the negative effects of egg freezing?

The side effects are typically caused by the medication's hormonal fluctuations and are similar to PMS symptoms such as headaches, mood swings, insomnia, hot or cold flashes, breast tenderness, bloating, or mild fluid retention.

Does egg freeze harm fertility?

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Short answer: no, egg freezing will not reduce your ovarian reserve or your chances of becoming pregnant naturally in the future. 

To understand why let's go over the ovulation process quickly. During each menstrual cycle—typically once a month—one egg completes the ovulatory process.

What to avoid during egg freezing?

During the ovarian stimulation process, avoid any jarring pelvic exercise to protect your ovaries, which will grow in size as the follicles (cysts that contain the eggs) grow, as well as avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, medications, and many herbal supplements.

What is the best age for a woman to freeze her eggs?

"Studies show that women who freeze their eggs before the age of 35 have a better chance of getting pregnant than women who freeze their eggs after the age of 35." 

This is due to the fact that the more eggs that are retrieved and frozen, the better the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Is IVF better than egg freezing?

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When compared to using fresh embryos during assisted reproductive technology, egg freezing, and thawing at a later date result in a higher pregnancy success rate.

Will I gain weight from egg freezing?

Weight Gain: During the egg freezing process, it is not uncommon to gain a small amount of weight (less than 5 pounds). 

This is due to hormones causing your ovaries to enlarge, and it should not be considered permanent weight, but rather water weight.

Who is not a good candidate for egg freezing?

Egg freezing works best for women in their 20s to early 30s and is not usually recommended for women over the age of 38.

Can you have kids after freezing eggs?

You can use your frozen eggs in conjunction with sperm from a partner or a sperm donor to try to conceive a child. 

A donor can be identified or anonymous. The embryo can also be implanted in another person's uterus to carry the pregnancy (gestational carrier).

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How long do frozen eggs last?

The majority of women will keep their eggs for five to ten years. Healthy babies have been born from eggs that had been frozen for more than a decade. 

As a result, for many women, long-term storage of frozen eggs is an option.

How many eggs can a woman freeze at once?

If you have no fertility issues and are under the age of 38, you may be able to freeze 10 to 20 eggs with each round of IVF. Around 75% of those will likely survive the thaw, and 75% of those will likely fertilize.

How expensive is it to freeze your eggs?

Egg freezing without insurance can cost between $10,000 and $20,000, which includes medication, doctor visits, and the surgical procedure to remove the eggs. 

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However, it does not include the yearly storage fee for your frozen eggs, which can cost up to $800 per year.

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