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16 Signs God Is Exposing A Narcissist In Your Life

16 signs god is exposing a narcissist in your life would be like doing strange things that don’t make sense, and then giving a dumb reason for it. 

Unforgivably angry out of the blue. Abusive behavior behind closed doors. Extremely supportive behavior only when you’re around others.

These are just a few of the 24 signs that God is showing you that you’re in a relationship with a narcissist. 

This list is growing, and I’ve got a printable checklist to help you find the ones that fit your situation.

It’s easy to see that you have a narcissist on your radar if you check off a lot of boxes in any relationship. But first, let’s be clear: we all do some of these things sometimes.

We’re all imperfect. God is exposing you to a narcissist if they do a bunch of these things regularly and you don’t own up to them and improve when you confront them.

16 Signs God Is Exposing A Narcissist In Your Life

And with that, let’s take a look at 16 signs god is exposing a narcissist in your life:

1. They are always right

When someone constantly tells you the truth, it could be a sign of narcissism. Narcissists don’t understand that everyone has different ideas about life; everything has to be about them. They don’t ask how people are doing or what is going on in other people’s lives.

Instead, they ask for special favors or extreme compliance from people around them. 

When these demands are not met, they become angry and violent, often throwing things or using physical violence as a form of self-defense.

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When reality doesn’t fit their fantasy of endless success, power, genius, beauty, and perfect love, they become defensive and blame anyone who doesn’t agree with them, accusing them of being crazy or lying.

2. They are always satisfied

If you’re dealing with a Narcissist, it’s essential that you first recognize that there’s a problem and seek help – for example, by praying for spiritual healing or seeking Christian counseling.

Most Narcissists find it difficult to accept failure because it’s a reflection of their self-image and they don’t like criticism because it can damage their self-esteem.

They crave attention and often seek out authoritative roles such as a preacher or a guru to feel the power they desire in their field.

A Narcissist may have a ‘messiah complex’ where they believe they’re saving the world with their acts or beliefs.

Their thin skin makes rejection or criticism very difficult for them – this can cause them to lash out with anger very quickly.

3. They’re always trying to downplay you.

Narcissistic personalities seek external validation and approval to feel better about themselves; people who are new to spirituality or those who have not done enough may fall prey to this type of behavior. If someone continually undermines you, it could be a sign that they are a narcissist.

Earthly validation and authoritative roles, like becoming a guru or a messiah, satisfy their ego and give them a sense of control.

People who believe that God loves them may believe that everything will go their way. However, they can be manipulative and cruel when they want to get their way.

In the end, God will punish them by taking away their power. This is punishment from God for the way they have treated others, according to the Bible.

4. He’s always trying to make you feel something.

Narcotics often have unrealistic expectations of themselves, like being successful, powerful, brilliant, beautiful, and in love.

They think they're the best in the world, and they can make up stories about their successes, skills, and talents.

They use others to feed their ego, and they don't feel remorse for using them. They can be short-tempered and easily jealous.

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If you try to talk to them, they might try to shut you down, which is called railing. They can also use gossip and lies to get ahead, which is called hidden narcissism.

5. They're always trying to get their way with you.

People with Narcissism want to take control of the people around them, even the people they love.

They may try to do this by lying and manipulating, but eventually, the truth will come out and they'll be taken down.

They'll use tactics like gaslighting, lying, blame-shifting, intimidation, and more to get you to give them what they want, and they'll go as far as threatening violence if you don't.

It's important to stay true to yourself and stay strong when dealing with them, or they'll just get the best of you and use you for their gain.

6. They're always trying to get their way.

Narcissists often surround themselves with other people who feed their egos but are caught out when someone mentions one of their accomplishments – an event that destroys their delusion of self-worth and sends them reeling back in time.

Narcissists will do whatever it takes to stay at the top of the agenda: making negative comments on your behalf, going through your emails and texts, monitoring your social media activity without your consent, or making themselves known.

Psychological Narcissists are particularly damaging because they use their Christian beliefs to advertise their agenda while discrediting others.

They will attack you regardless of what others think and will continue to do so until you stop listening to them – something that is not Christ-like and is sinful behavior.

7. They're always trying to get their hands on your money.

Many codependents who are dependent on a narcissist spend a lot of time and energy persuading them to turn around, often through prayer.

However, this rarely works because the narcissist doesn’t want to change because to do so would make them look like an authority figure.

Instead of allowing a narcissist to control you or cause you pain, set boundaries and stick to them.

If you are struggling with this destructive personality trait, contact a Christian counselor or a mental health professional who will have all the resources necessary to help you overcome it and regain your self-worth.

8. He's always trying to get his hands on your heart.

Narcissists are afraid of losing control and will do whatever it takes to keep it. This can mean hurting you physically or emotionally to keep their power over you.

This is called "narcissist abuse" and it can often be stopped by setting boundaries or limiting your contact with them.

If they feel they are in danger, they will resort to character assassination, gossip, and other methods of deception to make themselves look good to their supporters or the public.

When they attack themselves or you personally, they will use tactics like name-calling and spreading disinformation against you until they think they have hurt you enough without having to admit fault or feel remorse.

They don't want you to accept who you are – that will make them lose control over you again. So setting boundaries that are right for you and sticking to them will be the best way to protect yourself from being exploited again.

9. They're always trying to get their hands on your mind

The main goal of a narcissist is to gain power. They do this by breaking into people’s private conversations or personal relationships.

They may seem like they’re helping others, but in reality, they’re just trying to increase their spiritual power by breaking into other people’s conversations or private conversations.

A narcissist is afraid of losing power, so they will do whatever it takes to keep it. They will attack your thoughts and feelings to try and control you.

The best way to counter this is to set boundaries that you will not tolerate and will stick to them.

Once they sense how strong your boundaries are, they will eventually respect your boundaries out of fear, or else their anger will only get worse as they try to regain control. You need to be prepared for this.

10. Community of support: god’s angels in human form

God often provides support through a community of compassionate souls that become angels in person.

Whether you have a friend, family member, or a loved one, these people offer a place of refuge and comfort.

See them as angels of divine intervention sent to help you through the difficulties of living with a Narcissist.

God's angels in person are like mirrors of love and affirmation that reinforce your worth and help you find comfort in difficult times. Accept this support network as an example of the interconnectedness that is woven into our spiritual fabric.

In their presence, you will find that you are never lonely, and the divine provokes encounters that bring you comfort and strength.

11. Cleansing negativity for spiritual regeneration.

When you come out of a relationship with a narcissist, it often triggers a divine detoxification. God's role in this process is to show you how to let go of toxic energies and reclaim your inner sanctum. It's a spiritual journey to emotional and spiritual rebirth.

Accepting this divine detoxification is a spiritual rebirth. Let God's purifying light shine through the shadows, allowing you to let go of emotional pollutants.

By doing so, you create room for divine blessings and restore your sense of purpose. It's not just about letting go of a narcissist's influence, but about allowing the divine to work wonders in your life.

12. Turning Wounds into Wisdom

God's plan for you is to turn your scars into a badge of honor. As you go through the process of learning how to live with a narcissist, remember the divine strength that comes from facing adversity head-on.

The pain becomes the canvas on which God paints the images of resilience, strength, and new-found wisdom.

Accept the divine alchemy that's at work here. God's purpose is to strengthen your soul so that you can come out of the crucible not a victim but a survivor with a deeper understanding of the human condition.

The wounds that were once so raw and painful become the seeds of divine wisdom that will enrich your journey and empower you to navigate your future relationships with compassion and wisdom.

13. Rediscovering Authentic Self

Exposing a narcissist is God's way of giving you a chance to rediscover your true self. The revelation is a cosmic catalyst that will help you rediscover who you are.

Treat this process as a holy journey, guided by the divine plan of your true self. God is in control of your rebirth. He is telling you to let go of the layers of control and align with the pure purpose of your soul.

Let the revelation be the canvas on which the divine creates the masterpiece of your new self. Discover new strengths, new passions, and a greater connection with your true self.

By rediscovering your true self, you align yourself with the higher purpose that calls you to live the life that is true to your calling.

14. Finding Strength in Higher Realms

God often sends you spiritual allies to help you heal after you've exposed a narcissist, whether it's an angel, a spiritual guide, or a loved one who has passed away. Notice their gentle presence, as if they were sent to help you on your journey.

Pray for them, meditate on them, or simply acknowledge their presence. Let their celestial energy fuel your path with strength and endurance.

When you're feeling lost or overwhelmed, don't forget that you're not alone. The divine forces around you are a part of a larger celestial support system.

15. Unfolding the Plan with Patience

God reveals a narcissist mysteriously and mysteriously. Believe that the revelation happens according to God's plan, and every step of the way is planned with divine care.

Patience will become your spiritual strength as you go through the process of healing and learning.

God's divine timing allows you to experience a slow and steady flow of revelation, understanding, and growth. Don't rush the process.

God's timing is in line with your soul's growth. Every moment of waiting has a divine purpose. As you give in to the process, you become part of the universe's rhythm.

16. They are always trying to control your actions

A narcissist likes to manipulate you to feel powerful and have a sense of power. They may try to persuade you to change your behavior by making you think they are right in accusing you of doing something wrong, or they may try to convince you that they are right in telling you that you are wrong and telling you that you should do something different than what they would do.

Narcissists rarely think about what others are going through and rarely make long-term, meaningful relationships that benefit others more than themselves. When they feel threatened, they may act out aggressively to regain their power and feel superior.

A narcissist's behavior can take many different forms depending on the personality type. 

They may be vengeful in public, but they may also use subversive tactics behind the scenes like character assassination, lies, and rumors. They may even attack family and friends as a way to keep control.

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