Is diabetes caused by fat or sugar? According to Ken Hills, The food you eat doesn't cause diabetes. We don't know very much about the cause of diabetes.
For type 2 diabetes, we know
that glucose is not properly transported into the cell by insulin (called
insulin resistance), but we don't know why the cell is behaving this way or how
this transport fails.
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"Insulin resistance"
is a descriptive term, but it leaves open the larger question of
"why" the cell and the cell membrane behave this way. Until we have a
better understanding of this, our knowledge of diabetes is very limited.
For type 1 diabetes, we don't
know what causes it. The pancreas is unable to produce or release insulin, and
the cause is unknown.
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It is thought to be caused by an infection
of the beta cell, the cell that produces insulin, either directly or
indirectly. The current theory is that the infection is viral.